Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Excess of Consumerism - 3 Solutions

1. I will make a series of campaign posters to promote people's awareness of their excessive consumption habits. Posters will have a simple design, consisting of one image accompanied by a short tag line or slogan. They will probably be 11x17" prints and I will post them around campus.

2. I want to do either one of the following:
a. Build a massive sculpture out of plastic beverage bottles (water, soda, juice etc.), highlighting our excessive use and consumption of these material goods. The sculpture will likely have the form of a large bottle and will be constructed with super glue. I want to place the sculpture in one of the following locations: the lawrence gallery, the lawrence foyer, or along 13th in front of a high-traffic building on campus. Along with the sculpture/tower would be a description of the meaning of the project and some numbers that correlate to plastic bottle use statistics. There will also be a correlation to how many bottles I use in the sculpture.

b. As an alternative to (a) I would take the plastic bottles I have collected (again, the number I display will have a significant correlation to some statistic about plastic bottle use) and place them on the ground somewhere on campus, preferably the lawn outside the library and the museum. Again, I will have an information sheet so people can see concrete data and have some numbers to relate to the spectacle.

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