Thursday, October 22, 2009


took today as a work day. decided on a definite format for my project.

my whole focus is going to be on raising awareness about how many plastic bottles are wasted on this very campus every day. i have spent the last few classes running around campus collecting plastic beverage bottles from the recycling bins. these will eventually compose a sculpture i intend to create in lawrence. i really want people to think about how easy it is to reuse plastic bottles, so i am going to make sort of an arching cluster of bottles over the water fountain just past la 177. this will be accompanied by 'campaign' style posters with some startling plastic usage facts on them, posted around the building. it is my hope that this will get people to think about how quickly we go through plastic and how easy it really is to cut down on this immensely.
at least that is the plan so far. john tells me i may have to reason with the dean's office before getting the official okay. but that is my thinking so far.

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